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- README for ixemul.library and ixnet.library version 47.3
- =========
- Always read the NEWS file for information about new features! The NEWS file
- is part of the ixemul source archive.
- Also look at the ix.h header: ixemul-specific functions are documented in that
- header.
- Starting with ixemul.library version 42.0 the ssystem() function is no longer
- supported. The only two applications use this function are (to my knowledge)
- gcc and man. You should either upgrade to the latest gcc (2.7.2 or higher)
- or replace gcc by gccv (which is part of older gcc distributions). You can
- find a new 'man' version in Geek Gadgets.
- Starting with ixemul.library version 43.1 various networking functions have
- been moved to libc.a. See the NEWS file for details. It only concerns
- certain somewhat specialized functions, so 'normal' clients and daemons
- shouldn't be affected.
- Starting with ixemul.library version 46.0 some basic p.OS support has been
- added, which is completed in 47.0. See README.pOS for more details.
- This library is part of Geek Gadgets. For more information see
- ftp.ninemoons.com, /pub/geekgadgets.
- ============
- Originally created in 1991 or 1992 by Markus Wild, the ixemul.library has
- become the driving force behind the Geek Gadgets project.
- Essentially it is a BSD Unix kernel running under the Amiga OS. The
- code for handling Unix signals is taken almost verbatim from the BSD kernel
- sources, for example. Multitasking and file I/O is, of course, passed on
- to the Amiga OS. Because the library resembles BSD Unix so closely, it has
- made it possible to port almost all Unix programs.
- However, because of the conformance to BSD, the library is not too
- conservative with resources or overly concerned with Amiga standards. For
- example, command line expansion uses Unix semantics and doesn't use
- ReadArgs(). The purpose of ixemul.library is to emulate Unix as well as is
- technically possible. So given a choice between Amiga behavior or Unix
- behavior, the last one is chosen.
- =======
- As I mentioned, the library was originally created by Markus Wild. It
- allowed him to port Unix programs, most notably gcc and a Unix shell
- (pdksh), which in turn gave him the opportunity to start porting NetBSD
- Unix. At some point he stopped working on ixemul.library and continued
- with the real thing, NetBSD.
- Although Markus made some snapshots of his library available on Internet,
- he was about the only one who could actually compile it. The snapshots
- where never complete and didn't use a standard Make tool.
- Rafael W. Luebbert managed around June 1994 to actually compile the
- library using bits and pieces from four different source releases. Even
- then he had to write some missing code and had to debug a lot before he got
- it working. Luebbert released versions 40.1 through 40.4. Since this was
- the only version available that could actually be compiled, Fred Fish
- switched to version 40.4 for his FreshFish CDROM series.
- Leonard Norrgard also started working on 40.4, fixing a variety of
- problems. So for a time there were two versions of the library, both
- derived from 40.4. Around March 1995 I began contributing my own fixes for
- the library to Fred, including a fix for a horrible memory trashing bug
- which substantially improved the stability of the library. Starting with
- version 42.0 I became the new maintainer of the library. I merged
- Leonard's version of the library into 42.0, the whole source distribution
- was cleaned up and reorganized and many bugs were fixed. Also new
- functionality was added such as timezone support.
- Thanks to Jeff Shepherd the support for network functions has been totally
- reorganized for version 43.0. A new ixnet.library was introduced that
- contains all the network handling. This new library supports both AS225
- and AmiTCP. Furthermore, there is no longer any need to maintain two
- versions of an Internet client or daemon as ixnet.library will do the
- multiplexing for you. The program itself is completely shielded from the
- actual networking package in use. Also, should a new networking package
- appear for the Amiga, then it is relatively easy to add support for that
- package to ixnet.library. All existing programs will automatically be able
- to work with the new package too.
- Version 43.0 also introduced support for automatic stack extension
- (provided you compiled your program with the -mstackextend flag). This
- support was done by Matthias Fleischer.
- Last, but not least, I've added the ptrace() function, which was essential
- for porting the GNU debugger, GDB. So it is now possible to use a decent
- debugger with gcc (and with the GNU C++, fortran and ADA compilers).
- Version 43.1 was a bug-fix release, which further improved stability.
- Version 44.0 made the library much more (Net)BSD compatible, making it even
- easier to port Unix programs. Also many bugs were fixed.
- Version 45.0 fixed a few bugs, improved stack extension (see the new ixstack
- utility) and further improved Ctrl-C handling by adding 'sessions', something
- that was needed for the Geek Gadgets X port.
- Version 45.1 was a bug-fix release, and also improved uid/gid handling.
- Version 46.0 adds shared memory (shm*) and basic p.OS support.
- Version 46.1 renames the __os variable to ix_os.
- Version 47.0 completes the p.OS support and adds Unix semaphore and message
- support. Also fixes several bugs.
- Version 47.1 fixes a minor but very irritating bug in the ixstack utility.
- Version 47.2 is a bug-fix release.
- Version 47.3 is a bug-fix release.
- =====
- The Aminet distribution of ixemul consists of several archives: one for
- each flavor (CPU/FPU combination) of the library, one for the timezone
- support, an archive for documentation, an archive for various utilities and
- an SDK archive, containing headers, libraries and C-objects that provide
- the startup code. There is also an ixemul source archive. If you don't
- mind recompiling everything, and if you have a decent Geek Gadgets
- environment, then all you have to do is retrieve this archive, as all the
- other archives are generated from this source distribution.
- Besides the library itself, there are also some utilities and other
- goodies. First of all, there is a special trace version of the library.
- Together with the ixtrace tool it allows you to see which library functions
- are called by the program you want to debug. If you compile the library
- yourself you will also get, as part of the compile process, a debug version
- of the library. If you get an Enforcer hit in the library, and if you have
- SegTracker installed, then you can track down in which source and at which
- line the hit took place using the gccfindhit tool (available from Aminet
- and Geek Gadgets) that is similar to the FindHit tool which is part of the
- Enforcer package. I've used this with great success in the past.
- Various settings that influence the behavior of the library can be set
- using the ixprefs utility. A small tool ixrun allowing you to run AmigaOS
- scripts from within the Unix shell is also provided. An ixemul-specific
- pipe-handler allows you to set up a pipe between an AmigaOS utility and an
- Unix program. A pipe between two Unix programs is handled by the
- ixemul.library itself, but since AmigaOS programs are not under the
- control of the library, this handler is used instead.
- A recent addition is the ixstack tool, which can list and set the minimum
- stack size an ixemul program needs. It can also show the actual stack
- usage of ixemul programs if you start it with '-s'.
- Finally, the tools zic (for manipulating the timezone databases) and
- ixtimezone are also part of ixemul. The ixtimezone tool can be used to
- automatically adjust the Amiga time based on the currently selected
- timezone. The best way to use this tool is to install the timezone
- databases (in etc:zoneinfo), set the TZ environment variable correctly (in
- my case "Europe/Amsterdam"), add the line "ixtimezone -patch-resource
- >nil:" to your user-startup and set the Amiga clock to Greenwich Mean Time
- (or Universal Time, as it is now called). Now you will never have to worry
- about things like Daylight Saving Time as each time ixtimezone is called,
- this tool checks the current timezone and will patch the Amiga clock to the
- right time. This tool is also very useful if you also run NetBSD or Linux,
- as these OSes expect that the internal Amiga clock adheres to GMT.
- I advise that you set the ixemul "Network support" to the correct method
- using the ixprefs program. It will improve performance somewhat if ixemul
- doesn't have to guess which network library is available, if any.
- ===================
- The library itself needs about 200 Kb, but if you want to do some useful
- work, such as compiling programs, I advise at least 4 Mb. More importantly
- is the stack size: set it to at least 50 Kb. If you have problems with
- certain programs try to increase the stack size.
- The reason for these large stacks is that the Unix operating system
- automatically extends the stack if it is too small. Therefore some Unix
- programs aren't exactly conservative with their stack space.
- We can do the same on AmigaOS, however, by compiling programs with the
- -mstackextend flag. Or you can set the minimum stack size of a program
- using the ixstack tool. If the current stack is too small, the program will
- automatically extend the stack on startup.
- =======================
- There is really very little to do. If you have a decent Geek Gadgets setup
- with the necessary compilers and tools, and if you have installed the
- ixemul SDK, then you are ready to go. There is no need to do anything
- special, the communication between your program and ixemul.library is
- handled by the startup code (the *crt0.o files in the /gg/lib directory)
- and the standard C library (libc.a, also in /gg/lib) which are
- automatically linked with your program. Note that ixemul.library together
- with the compile tools also provides profiling support (compile and link
- with -pg), and base-relative and resident support (compile with -fbaserel
- or -resident). Compile and link with -g to add debug information so that
- you can debug your program with gdb.
- If you start gdb with the -enforcer option, then the program you are
- debugging will automatically stop and drop into the debugger as soon as an
- Enforcer hit occurs. This is obviously very useful.
- The startup code will automatically expand the command-line for you (e.g.
- 'echo *' will expand to 'echo <filenames in current directory>'). If you
- want to disable this in your program, then you should add the line:
- int ix_expand_cmd_line = 0;
- to your source. This global variable will tell the system not to expand the
- command-line.
- The startup code will also set the global "int ix_os;". This variable
- contains either 0 (= the program was started from an AmigaOS system) or
- OS_IS_POS (0x704F5300), which means that the program was started from an
- p.OS system. See README.pOS for more information. The OS_IS_POS and
- OS_IS_AMIGAOS macros are defined in ix.h.
- Code like you would on a Unix system, so DON'T USE any information
- private to the library!
- =====================
- Most programs compile out-of-the-box. There are a few exceptions to this
- rule. First of all, programs like linkers and the like that have to be
- able to read or write the standard Amiga hunk format obviously need a lot
- of work.
- Secondly, there is no virtual memory support, and therefore no real fork()
- function. In most cases the fork() function is only used to spawn a new
- program, and in such cases it is possible to replace fork() by vfork(),
- which is a light-weight fork() replacement that was originally created for
- Unix to reduce the overhead a real fork() introduced.
- A vfork() doesn't create a copy of itself as fork() does, but uses the
- parent's code and data. Since the child will quickly call execve() to
- spawn another program, this sharing of the code and data is no problem and
- saves a lot of time.
- There is one restriction, however: since the child process is running on
- the stack of the parent until an exit() or execve() call the child must be
- careful not to clobber the parent's stack. So this will fail:
- main()
- {
- switch (vfork())
- {
- case -1: // Error
- case 0: // Child
- return 0; // Return from main()
- default: // Parent
- wait(0);
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- It fails because the child just returns, and this return will clobber the
- stack for when the parent returns. But this is correct:
- main()
- {
- switch (vfork())
- {
- case -1: // Error
- case 0: // Child
- exit(0); // Exit
- break;
- default: // Parent
- wait(0);
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- Here the child calls exit or execve and therefor leaves the underlying
- stack intact for the parent. This restriction can cause very hard to find
- bugs (I know, I spent quite a few hours researching this problem).
- In some cases, such as a Unix shell (pdksh for example), you really want to
- be able to port a program that uses a fork() that cannot be replaced with
- vfork(). There is a way to do this, although it is a lot of work. First
- of all, the program has to be compiled with -resident. Now you replace the
- fork() by a ix_vfork() call, and in the child code you call vfork_setup_child()
- (new for 44.0! Replaces the ix_resident()/ix_get_vars2() pair) to copy the
- original data hunk to a new location. Next you have to copy all the
- parent's data structures to the child. In other words, you have to copy
- the complete state of the parent process to the child process. This can be
- a lot of work. Finally, you call vfork_resume() which unblocks the parent
- so that you now have two processes running separately from each other.
- It is important to realize that you should never exit() from the parent
- before all vfork()'ed children have died. Since exiting from the parent
- causes the parents code and data segments to be deallocated, the child
- would find itself without code space to run on, and would probably cause a
- severe machine crash!
- So always call at least `wait(0)' before returning from the parent.
- For an example of how this works, see jobs.c from the pdksh source
- distribution. It's a kind of poor-man's fork().
- The third case I've come across that couldn't easily be ported were
- programs that dump their state to a new file. Emacs does this, as does GNU
- Common Lisp. The idea is that such a program will read lots of packages,
- and then dump itself to a new file. That new file can in turn be executed,
- and you will no longer have to load all those packages. All this assumes
- that each time you load a program, all the code and data ends up at the same
- memory addresses as before. Something that is true for Unix, but not for
- the Amiga due to the lack of virtual memory.
- However, if someone wants to do a port of such a program, please contact me
- as I have developed a technique to implement this. At least, I've made
- this work with a small test program. I've tried to use it with GNU Common
- Lisp, but time constraints prevented me from developing this further.
- The last problematic category I've seen is GNU Emacs. This program assumes
- that all the data it allocates will always end up in a continuous memory
- block, and that the upper 8 bits of each memory address are always the
- same. The Amiga, however, can have multiple memory blocks positioned at
- various places in memory. While there is a GNU Emacs port, this port does
- assume this limitation and if you have an Amiga with many memory blocks (as
- I had) GNU Emacs may easily crash. No easy solution exists.
- ==========================
- If you use Amiga specific resources like Windows and Screens from
- Intuition, make sure to add an atexit() handler to close those resources,
- if the user should decide to interrupt your program. Before the program is
- left, the chain of registered atexit-handlers is called in exit(). So
- PLEASE NEVER EVER call _exit() if you have registered any custom atexit()
- handlers. It is a bad habit anyway, but normally you may call _exit()
- without resource lossage (stdio won't flush its buffers, but that's about
- all).
- Ixemul provides a new unique Amiga specific signal called SIGMSG. If you
- set up a handler for this signal, then the default mapping from
- SIGBREAKB_CTRL_C into SIGINT will no longer occur, and your handler is
- called with the following arguments:
- signal_handler(SIGMSG, new_exec_signal_mask)
- In this case, you have to deal with Exec signals yourself, so don't forget
- to clear those signals that you want to receive notification about again
- later. Thus if you'd want to handle SIGBREAKB_CTRL_C yourself, don't
- forget to
- SetSignal(0, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C)
- at the end of the handler, or you'll never get notification about that
- signal again.
- Most of the original BSD signals are implemented. SIGSTOP is currently not
- implemented, although it would be relatively easy to add. The mechanisms
- are already in place.
- =====================================
- The following information was provided by Norbert Pueschel:
- Here is a list of functions that are concerned with uid/gid management
- and access to user/group information:
- a) uid/gid management:
- get(e)uid, set((r)e)uid, get(e)gid, set((r)e)gid, (init|set|get)groups
- b) access to user/group informations:
- set(pass|group)ent, (set|get|end)pwent, get(pw|gr)nam, getpwuid, getgrgid,
- (_)getlogin, setlogin
- c) other functions:
- setsid, crypt
- Ixemul.library has several options how to implement these functions:
- 1) When MultiUser is installed, ixemul.library will use it to implement the
- functions named above.
- 2) When MultiUser is _not_ installed, ixemul.library will use its own
- uid/gid handling: uids and gids will be inherited by child processes
- and files and directories created by ixemul using programs will have
- the current user and group set as long as the filesystem supports that.
- However, for file accesses only the setting of the flags for the file
- owner is used (as for any other AmigaOS program).
- Processes that are not started by other ixemul using programs use
- environment variables to determine their (e)uid and (e)gid:
- They will first check the variables LOGNAME and USER for a valid user
- name. If they find this user in the passwd file, they will set up (e)uid
- and (e)gid respectively. Then the environment variables UID, EUID, GID and
- EGID will be queried, and, if present, their values will be used.
- If none of the above variables is found, the process will be owned by
- nobody/nogroup (uid/gid -2).
- Ixemul.library has three different methods to get user/group
- informations:
- a) If networking software (AmiTCP or Inet) is installed, it will use their
- user/group databases.
- b) If no networking is available, it will try to read the files etc:passwd
- and etc:group.
- c) If both a) and b) fails, it will use a builtin user/group database.
- This database only knows the nobody/nogroup (uid/gid -2), root/wheel
- (uid/gid 0) and a user/group combination described by the environment
- variables LOGNAME or USER, GROUP, UID and GID.
- Hans Verkuil (hans@wyst.hobby.nl, January 3, 1998)
- (Parts of this README are from the original README by Markus Wild).